BAC Wellness Studio

Create a new digital space for Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC) wellness-focused programming.
Position BAC Wellness Studio as a resource for arts-centered healing, community, and support.
Disseminate and promote project-related digital content and drive attendance to in-person events.

Additional Context:
BAC Wellness Studio is an innovative hybrid program that invests in the notion that the holistic well-being of Brooklyn artists is fundamental to the strength and spirit of the borough. The platform centers and nurtures the well-being of Brooklyn’s creative community by providing digital programs, podcasts, blog posts, site-specific activations, connections to affordable wellness resources, as well as professional development in the form of information, training, and mentorship for professional opportunities at the intersection of art and healing. Furthermore, BAC Wellness Studio acts as a hub for documenting the healing components of cultural heritage, advocating for the critical role of the arts in promoting healthy societies.

BAC Wellness Studio launched with two primary digital components: Neighborhood Clinic Healing Installations and BAC Sonic Clinic: A Sound Wellness Neighborhood Clinic. The Neighborhood Clinics is a multidisciplinary program that amplifies the healing properties of cultural arts, spotlighting the work of cultural heritage practitioners and tradition-keepers. BAC Sonic Clinic is a cross-cultural musical healing experience that explores healing traditions from around the world with a focus on music and sound.

My Role:
Guided UX/UI design and ensured seamless alignment of webpages with BAC’s brand and mission.
Worked alongside BAC’s Programs team to develop different messaging (approachable vs. academic) for diverse audiences (creatives vs. academics vs. funders).
Routinely updated webpage with fresh content, such as podcasts, blogs, curricula, articles, workshop recordings, and various community opportunities.
Collaborated on the announcement press release, pitched reporters, and served as the primary liaison with media.
Strategized, planned, and executed all digital marketing and communications including social media posts and email blasts.
Designed graphics for email and social media.
Designed wall text and managed printing needs for BAC Sonic Clinic Pop-up Exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Arts (MoCADA)
Assembled media kit including graphics and copy and conducted outreach to community partners.
Assisted in copy edits and sourcing images for Part II, Section 8 of “Disrupting Hierarchy in Education: Students and Teachers Collaborating for Social Change,” published by Teachers College Press at Columbia University.

Digital Content & Branding

SquareSpace: BAC Wellness Studio Webpages

Select Blog Posts

Featured Artist: Niama Safia Sandy

Featured Artists: The Belyamani Brothers

A Brooklyn Tradition that Heals: Soca

A Brooklyn Tradition that Heals: Bharatanatyam

Select Event Photos

BAC Sonic Clinic Pop-up Exhibition at MoCADA

BAC Wellness Festival at MoCADA

Digital Communications

MailChimp: Select Emails

Select BAC Event Pages & Eventbrites

Facebook: Select Posts

X: Select Posts


BAC Billboard on Morgan Ave.


BAC Open Calls 2024